Top 5 Iconic Monster Teeth

Happy almost Halloween! Ever wondered what makes the most iconic monsters of all time so scary looking? Their teeth! From vampires to werewolves, scary teeth make these monsters all the more memorable. We’ve compiled a list of our top 5 iconic monster teeth in the spirit of this spooky season: 1. Dracula This vampire is […]

The Evolution of Dental Floss

Every dentist will tell you that the two things you need to have to improve your oral health are a toothbrush and dental floss. Dental floss allows you to easily remove plaque and food particles from those tight, hard-to-reach places between your teeth. But how and when exactly was it invented? Prehistoric Times The origin […]

New Technology That's Changing Oral Health Care

Our team works hard to stay up-to-date on the latest advances in the dental field. From leading-edge laser dentistry to new gadgets that take preventive care at home to the next level, we’re constantly impressed and excited about the ways new dental technology is changing oral health. For that reason, we love educating our patients […]

Caring for Your Pets’ Teeth

Dental care isn’t just important for you and your family. If you’re a pet owner, you should know how to care for your pets’ teeth, too. Every animal has its own special dental care requirements, from horses to cats. Dogs Just like you, your dog requires frequent dental cleanings. While dogs can maintain their dental […]

Foods That Are Healthy for Your Teeth

Can an apple a day keep the dentist away? Just as your diet has an impact on your waistline and overall health, so too can it impact your dental health. It’s quite obvious that sugary and junk foods aren’t healthy for your teeth, so what exactly is? Cheese and Yogurt Yes, cheese is great for […]

Top 3 Best and Worst Halloween Candy Options for Children's Teeth

Halloween is upon us! The upcoming holiday brings excitement and creativity to our children. It also brings sweets into our homes. Fortunately, Halloween candy doesn’t have to mean an extra trip to the dentist or cavities in our kids’ mouths. In fact, here at Signature Smiles Dental, we’ve come up with a Top 3 list […]